powered by your momma in a hamster wheel!

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 moon on a stick at DiaryLand.com! ET phone home! Go back in time. Ooooh!

2001-01-10 - 00:15

Hmmm, here I am again. A bit bored just waiting for Mary-Anne hobbes to play something good. Too much work all in all, but I can't say i didn't expect such things. But instead of doing the work I've watched strange Tv programmes on dieting and boob jobs. Oh well. Things seem like they might be improving with Emma, having two days where we've got on really well, but has been based around work, so who knows. I've come to the decision that i need a new female target for this term, by the fact that Emily has told me that Helen really really likes me but not in that way, which is just bloody typical. I keep seeing loads of people I recognise but cannot put a name to them at all. Thats really annoying. Had to do the annual change diary thang, i always hate it, simply because it reminds me how much I've lost contact with people. Time to go and find stuff on the net I suppose.


OhBTW if anyone ever reads this ever you can email me and I will tell you who these random people are,

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

Be a nosey bugger if ya want! read other people's minds for free! recommend my diary to a friend! Get
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