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2001-11-07 - 4:19 p.m.

Argh, why don't I understand women?

Hmmm spent last night watching vids at Caz's (Run Lola Run and Ring 2). Hmmm Need soundtrack for RLR as it was stonking. Anyways, spent the night round there, coming to the decision that I was going to tell her how I felt in the morning, and ride the consequences. Did I? Did i bollocks! I utterly bottled it despite lying there for about 1 1/2 hours working out what to say. I just don't want to ruin the friendship.

Having spoken with other female friends they think she's interested as well, just waiting for me to make the move. But I dunno, with most other women I'd say yes that was probably true. But Caz is a bit special in the head (in a good way). I dunno maybe tonight at the Rocksoc social, I doubt it though.


Music - White Stripes - Hotel Vorba(??)

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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