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2003-08-08 - 3:35 p.m.

Part 2 of the year gone by:

It all went quiet for a while whilst I enjoyed being single and the Roxanne, Sam's sister came over for clearing to see if she could get into Soton Uni. She was here for a week and on the last night we got Jiggy. My typical pattern it seems is to get with some one who is just about to go away for a while. So after a month apart she returned from Sri Lanka to start Uni and we started going out properly. A few weeks in she said she loved me, Riiiiiight! By this point in time I had decided I would never properly fall for her, she lacks certain features in her personality that i look for so to save her hurt i finished it. It still hurt her, Oh well. (we're friends again now tho)

During this period Sam and drex two of my house mates started seeing each other and getting rapidly old. But more abuse for them later :)

Waiting for Parents to turn up with Gabes should be liveable with.

Music - Moyles on Radio1

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

Be a nosey bugger if ya want! read other people's minds for free! recommend my diary to a friend! Get
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