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2006-09-16 - 12:03 p.m.

So today's the day. I go into the optician and ask Michelle out for a drink.

I don't expect to get anywhere.

But for an entirely different reason, external to discomfort, I'm not sure I want to. I'm growing ridiculously fond of Susie, more so than is really sane, given history of friendship groups. And as such she is likely to be the next target. However, genius that I am, I have susie helping re. ythe Michelle situation. *hits head against wall* As such she may very well feel 2nd fiddle, which she really isn't. Her and Michelle appeal in different ways, one is new and potentially exciting and one is known and an incredible person.

Then to add to great confusion, people went out last night started off with a group of girls and a group of guys, myself and Pete joined the girls and the night continued. I was ridiculously flirty and hands on with the recent ex, obv. in front of Susie (nice one) as we often are when split, and once again I get reminders of why i used to go out with her, because when it works, it really does.

So I'm sat with 3 women on my mind, and none of the others mentioned in previous entries stand much of a chance. What'd happen if michelle says yes??? I've not even factored that into the equation, i haven't even told the recent ex that i'm asking her out. But If michelle did say yes, I'd properly have to back off both Shez and Susie, for safety's sake. And I'm not sure I want to!

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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