powered by your momma in a hamster wheel!

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2006-09-18 - 4:30 p.m.

So I asked out Michelle on Saturday. She said she was flattered but that she was engaged. Ah well nevermind. At least that means that if I'd tried a year ago, she wouldn't have been single then either. So I've not missed out.

So where does that leave me?

I think I should stay single. Hopefully Shez'll pull this Ed guy she appears to be after. Which'll lift off the pressure there. Also Susie's said she isn't really on the look out for anything at the moment. (Not with regards to me, but anyone) So as such I can sit and maybe get her out of my system and look elsewhere, or sit and wait for appropriate dust to settle on the past and work out if she just friendly, or if she is keen. Although the first is unlikely to occur with the amount of time we spend together and a couple of meals we have planned to try out. Hmmm :? at least it'll be enjoyable.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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