powered by your momma in a hamster wheel!

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2006-09-24 - 11:42 p.m.

So what has changed?

I've not been brilliant at the minimal contact. Although I haven't made the initial contact. And I'm still worried Susie might like Pete, He really wouldn't be interested in that way as he's too shallow.

So i've shaken things up a little. Pete now knows i'm very interested in Susie, but also that I'm putting up some distance to be on the safe side. He also knows that I'm unsure if she likes me in that way. Dangerous game verbalising things. It makes it more official.

But I'm really hung up on her. More so than I have been for ages over anyone. It eminds me of the Tara situation where everything has to be done just so, to minimise damage or something.

Who knows. Ah well Daresbury tomorrow. was hoping to see her before I went, and tried to wangle an invite round for a cuppa, but didn't succeed.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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