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2006-09-28 - 10:09 a.m.

minimal contact has been shelved.

A plan is in action. I've started making sure Shez is fine with everything and that she knows I'll be moving on. Obviously she's not aware of where my interests lie, not looking forward to that one. Was planning about a month.

That went OK and was getting really good vibes from Susie during the day. But like Pete says I'm well and truly in the friends zone. She may not have even considered me in that way.

The evening was spent in argued discussion with Shez regarding her attitude and outlook on life as she's offended Pete and Susie, So i dealt with that.

Susie went out and bumped into Dr Feelgood, someone who had previously seemed interested in her. But then failed to follow through on the text. Apparently he invited her to the dungeon and she went along :( Balls! Either means the plan needs to accelerate or be stopped. Because I wouldn't be able to sit with it on the backburner indefinitely.

I'll speak to her later to see how things have gone. Hopefully she'll remember that he didn't have the commitment to follow through.

Want to talk to Mike about it, but there's obviously the Sami leak. I'll wait until I have more info on last night I suppose.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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