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2006-10-01 - 6:35 p.m.

Right, so Susie basically said she was keen on this Dr Feelgood and she was going to see how things panned out next wednesday.

ArseBurgers! That would mean essentially that it could all be sewn up by the time I was back. I couldn't let that happen. So having spoken to both Aly and Mike, they basically told me I had no choice and for my own sanity if nothing else I had to say something.

So I steeled myself. And left it for a day and asked on Saturday (yesterday.) I was well and truly pappping it and felt sick as a dog. But after 20 min or so of just chatting I broached the idea. She'd never even thought about it. This being the first time both of us have properly been single in 4 years of knowing each other. So we talked for another 20/25 min or so regarding my thoughts and obviously the surrounding damage. And she's said she'll think about it. That's not bad, Especially if she's never considered it, means she can see the attraction in it immediately. However, she did reiterate her interest in Dr. Feelgood, and if I'm perfectly honest I think the Shez thing will swing it away from me :(

I haven't told Shez, I will wait until Susie gives me a definitive answer. And I've told her she can have as long as she wants/needs.
But it could make life tough for me regardless of the answer and so a low profile will probably be the order of the day.

But a huge weight lifted from me and I'm much more relaxed and Although a yes or a no will be odd, i'm supremely confident the friendship will survive, if be a little strained on a no, which is a hell of a relief.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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