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2007-06-09 - 9:23 a.m.

So I met Ashley for lunch. This lunch ran from 12.15 till about 16.00. She's a really nice, interesting, intelligent, humourous, attractive girl.

Typical. I really like her and we'll most likely not see each other again unless fortune favours me somewhat. She's almost entirely booked out before she goes, but I have still made hints on FB that if she should have a slot going I'd be up for meeting, but it's highly unlikely. :(

She made plenty of references to not being looked at as a woman when in the company of friends, something hinting she enjoys being found attractive. But also mentioned many stalkery type people in her life, really making me unsure about stepping up anything.

Physical contact was made via brushing a spider out of her hair and also checking the thickness for dyeing. SHe seemed a little disappointed that I had to go back and work at the end, as was I. Conversation never seemed to stop and I'm still amazed at how much older she seems than her years suggest.

So we hugged and went our separate ways and I'm left happy but deflated that such a lovely person is out of my grasp due to external influences/personal boundaries. In many ways it would have been easier to have a very stale, dull lunch which was regimented for an hour as at least then I'd not be fussed about moving on. :S

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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