powered by your momma in a hamster wheel!

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 moon on a stick at DiaryLand.com! ET phone home! Go back in time. Ooooh!

2007-06-28 - 5:42 p.m.

Damn - I'm fickel!

I've only just figured that most titles don'e appear on the page which half ruins the start of most of my posts!


I messaged Ashley, she'd just been being lazy and there was no reason why she'd not got around to messaging me. So she sent an apology with lots of x s and another reply to the long running one before she went on holiday. I on the otherhand have sat and waited a number of days before responding to not appear keen. lol

However she is also not the one currently demanding my attention. Claire has also got round to responding with a day and everything so we're going for a meal next week. :)

We caught up unexpectedly on Monday when Ballgag Dave was around and although didn't speak directly there was a little something in the air in my eyes anyways! Of course she's not single. Typically, however she was discussing with Elie that it wasn't going to work and she does have a weekend to unattach herself before we meet up. One can only hope, of course!

It's all silly fantasy and whilst I'm not convinced a relationship would work with her, you couldn't possibly turn her down whilst single if it was offered! lol

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

Be a nosey bugger if ya want! read other people's minds for free! recommend my diary to a friend! Get
 your own moon on a stick at DiaryLand.com!