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2008-02-11 - 8:49 p.m.

So at least the last time I posted here i mentioned both Finland and Waish here, that saves a bunch loAD OF EXPLAINING!

So yeah i've been here about 4 months now. And still with Waish, she hasn't come with however and that makes life very tough. She's been over once and is due again in just over a month.

I'm not exactly happy over here but maybe that's for another post.

This one is about the past weekend. Went over to Tallinn with Stefan (guy from work), his missus, her sister and her girlfriend.

That all seems straightforward. S&P disappeared quite early on when we were on the boat (2 ish). Paivi's sis M went at about 3. by this point it was already clear that myself and E enjoyed dancing.
However once it was clear that her missus had gone the dancing got quite close and flirty. :s

This is the first time I've ever got close to cheating on someone and I'm confused, i don't know whether it was because we clearly clicked or whether it's just seemingly the first bit of interest I've had over here. But then she's a lesbian, so I'm not sure, of course there are bisexuals, but I don't know. TBH Maybe that's the reason a) i allowed myself to be that flirty and b) why nothing actually happened.

It doesn't stop me thinking about her a lot, not good when it's your g/f Bday and valentines around the same time.

Fortunatley E & M are based in tampere, so although talk was of going to see some ice hockey with them, this is uunlikely. And I'm not likely to see her again any time soon. So one would hope this will fade and be put down to a glitch.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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