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2008-05-19 - 10:44 p.m.

So I'll not see her this Friday either. Further Work things means she won't come to the exhibition.

When will I see her again? *shrug*

And that's quite frustrating.

Sometimes I think it'd be good for her to know how much it gets to me, then I think probably not as she'd pick me for a stalker lol.

She goes on holiday the following week. But maybe she'd do Indiana Jones, none of the other films grab me, otherwise.

But I've got to keep my distance. I was doing well up until seeing she'd dropped out, then I want to say that its a shame etc.


I think I'll wait for the weekend and then invite D&D, Quinn and C for a meal around BDay time. Probably it'll fail miserably.

I just want some form of a timeline where I could just get more input. More data to put in Dave's equation of life. It's working on such bare essentials. And once again I wonder how she got under my skin so. Is it just people being people or had a suitable space been growing steadily? Bah.

I should be catching up with Pete in Stockholm in June. That'll be grand. I'd hope to have some greater idea of what's going on by then but if not at least I'll have a vent. Also if it's gone badly by that point the same is true.

Can't wait.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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