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2008-05-28 - 8:37 p.m.

So after a fair few days of pretty crappy times.

Squashed nectarine in bag, losing glasses on bus having to spend all day in sunnies around work, Organising the glasses to be there on the way back and them not being. Having been out for a pleasant eve (but a little worried that the lass may be interested and I'm not) getting on the wrong night bus and having to catch a cab. Feeling a bit rough Sat and thus not doing what I intended, going out and having a really questionable time around C, getting caught with no ticket on the metro and getting fined, playing badly at floorball and getting whacked across the knee with one of the sticks, washing some clothes to find many fluffed by some towels. all combined with only getting minimal 4-5 hrs sleep on all the nights meant that I wasn't having the best of times.

But a potential improvement appeared yesterday eve. C has gone back to her blog and one entry has

"I've been thinking a lot lately about breaking out of patterns and taking the road less travelled, and am starting to worry I have become complacent. I used to challenge everything and jump at any chance to stretch my limits, but lately I seem to be more inclined to critizise others for not taking chances than doing so myself. Will target to change this, but might need some help in getting there."

No wthis could relate to me. And the final sentence certainly suggests it's of interest to people reading. However it could be that she met someone over the weekend, or indeed she also states that the Tues had been several notches better, so somebody at work even. I'm too unconfident to be convinced I could be so fortunate.

But I do think it's relationship based as a second entry, a few minutes later, focussed on a Death Cab for Cutie song with the lyrics

"How I wish you could see the potential, the potential of you and me.
Its like a book elegantly bound but in a language that you can't read, just yet.
You gotta spend some time, love. You gotta spend some time with me,
and I know that you'll find love, I will possess your heart.
You gotta spend some time, love. You gotta spend some time with me,
and I know that you'll find love, I will possess your heart...

You reject my advances and desperate plea. I won't let you let me down so easily. So easily"

Which does have some relevance.
It wasn't too bad a song either actually.

So who knows how things will pan out. but she's off on holiday and I think I will still maintain a fairly silent approach, although I'll offer her Lost. lol

She can't come to BDay things due to work and hasn't responded to my message, although there was no question any how.

Then the title refers to another thing.
As soon as I get a remote bright point I get something else to make me sad. Now it's not about me. But S&P are having troubles with their baby, and I wish I could help, they're def. the closest I have to friends here and there's nothing I can do to support them. The worst thing is I knew as well, I could sense, when I called back S having missed his call, that something was wrong, and feared the worst. Then when he wasn't in today I felt I should contact him. Fortunately they haven't lost it, but certainly things aren't good. And I can't vent anywhere about it or talk to anyone and so i'll just have to be unhappy for them and not show too much.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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