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2008-06-01 - 10:05 p.m.

I've fucked this all up somewhere along the line.

I'm not sure where exactly but it's pretty clear she's not interested (even with no text response)

So I'll just drop it.

She can contact me if she wants as my text said. Otherwise when our paths cross she can give me my CD back then.

At least whilst she's away I can easilt keep distance and hopefully I'll be used to it by the time she's back. I need to stop checking her blog and trying to read things into it.

Maybe I'll try checking twice the first week and then once the second and maybe not at all the 3rd. If I can do better than that I should try it.

I sat and talked to Sameer about it all as we went out for a few beers and I get such little chance to spout it out. He assumed originally that it wasn't clear if the other liked each other so i clarified the somewhat grey history (which wasn't originally the plan) but at least explains why the hell i'm so confused!

But fuck it. I'll remain off the market until she's back and maybe until after graduation (just for simplicities sake and then I can see what's about.

Still toying with the sleeping with people idea. But I'd need to be better at the approach.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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