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2008-06-08 - 10:39 p.m.

I�m doing pretty well re. the unstalking.

I have only checked twice (well 3 times but one was just to check that she hadn�t updated and my post looked like a response!) Now I have to go much of the week without checking, hopefully by then she�ll be close to heading back and then it�s up to her to contact me.

Of course life doesn�t become more straight forward because of this. Pauliina has disappeared, The only assumption I can make is that she has caught wind of my post about not being interested and as such is offended. I�ll send her an email tomorrow and if I hear nothing *shrug*.

Now that in itself would not be a major bother, however there is, of course, more. Going out Friday caught up with timo which was quite cool, he seems a little full on at times but not too bad, anyways I shouldn�t complain as he�s being friendly! But aside from that I also saw Elina again, the girl who commented on my DJing and is leaving for Chile in 6 weeks. Spent much of the evening talking and I got quite strong vibes from her. Maybe it was just her being friendly, given that I�m sure she mentioned she had a boyfriend last time, but no mention this, but a Stefan was mentioned once very briefly.

Now she�s an attractive girl and in fact one I�d noticed a while back, but she doesn�t have the same appeal as C does. If she was interested it could only be a sex thing which is potentially the future anyhow, but if there was a chance with C then I would not run the risk of ruining it by becoming unavailable/compromised again.

But Elina suggested meeting up at some point mid-week and also asked for my number. So I texted her today (over 24hrs later) and got instant replies, but hey I used to know a girl who did that and something went wrong!

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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