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2009-02-17 - 10:15 p.m.

Of all the things I should be doing this is seemingly the least useful of them. Hmmm

But maybe I could do with straightening my head and thoughts. Nothing major, just putting the soldiers in line I suppose.

Obviously it's all about C, just not sure if I'm moving on at all.

We went out for a quick drink a week after the chat. That turned into all night, as always we enjoyed each others company.

If we'd had one more I think things might have got a little stretched. there were a few moments of unnecessary contact as it was and playful banter. There was even talk of doing a road trip around the UK together, which would be great even as friends, but I doubt will ever come to fruition.

But it does make me wish she'd let it have a chance. I've chatted to David about it all, alas he has said he doesn't believe that in the long run even if I'd shut the door, that she wouldn't be able to knock it down if she wanted to.

It's never been tested, but I have to hope it wouldn't because otherwise what would be the point.

Obviously what would kick me on the way is if she started seeing someone else, but I'm not sure that's particularly on the horizon. And it wouldn't exactly make me feel great.

The problem is that the more time I spend with her the more I like her. She's so ridiculously intelligent and has a very compatable sense of humour. Until I can shut the door, everyone will get compared to that, and I'm not sure they could compete.

So i'm kind of stuck in the mud, until I can get through this slow process. I suppose I have the weeks the parents are here and when she's over in Seattle when interaction will be a fair bit less and that should help. As it is we text every couple of days. (it's probably my initiation most of the time, I can't remember)

She's said she might come to watch the end of the skiing but I guess that's doubtful. But we may catch up for football that evening.

Of course, things like that shouldn't matter either way.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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