powered by your momma in a hamster wheel!

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 moon on a stick at DiaryLand.com! ET phone home! Go back in time. Ooooh!

2010-05-30 - 7:09 p.m.

Well WGT is done and dusted with much the expected result. It didn't seem as good as the previous times and I'm wondering if that's it coming to an end now. It also didn't help that my head was largely distracted by other things.

First off C has suggested going to a Jazz festival near her dad's place and tagging on Oslo at the same time. That could be quite cool, but what with the proposed trip to Beijing then I'd have to check the money situation. Regardless of how tempting it may be.

Then there's Veera, who has definitely snuck in as a focal point. I keep following what she's up to. There was a strange conversation regarding advice for entrepreneurship but apparently my date of return is too late to be any use. I'm not really sure what that is all about. Also, and much more significant, her relationship status on FB has changed to 'it's complicated'. Now there are a few possible reasons for this.

Our dating being undefined, but clear interest from both sides. (A bit early to claim this though surely?)

Something with someone else. (This would suck, but at least it isn't a definite thing)

This is a Raisa thing as opposed to a Veera thing. (This might just be clutching at straws though)

Anyway once back in HKI I think a charm offensive is in order and at least I can make my intentions clear and hope she reciprocates. So I guess I'll just have to wait another week and see. :s

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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