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2012-06-25 - 8:57 p.m.

The best sex is the sex you are having right now with that guy.

Or whatever the quote from High Fidelity is.

Fucking Jealousy! Massive amounts of it on the bus today, with Aino chatting to Joe. I was far back so i don't know what was happening but that just gives your brain free reign.

I wanted to ask her about food, Monday is a day when we can traditionally chat for some time, but she chose that seat before I got on.

On my walk from the bus stop i was just full on ranting at myself for my shortcomings and those of the female race. Fuck, she's under my skin and I need to sort it out, one way or another. It's good that I'm very positive about her, but it's bad that I think I'll be rejected.

Notch another dose of hurt, remove another slice of self confidence with women.

Typically I was more positive about the whole thing at the weekend, having spoken to a female friend, who thinks Finns may just be like this. Massively incompatable with the English polite approach. Then again she's even more single than I am, so she's not necessarily got great advice!

So, after beating myself up, I've sent a text to ask her round for food. It's an hour and a half later and no response. I hate mobiles for this. I know most people read messages instantly, but there can be reasons they don't.

But in my head the only reasons for no response yet are bad reasons for me. :(

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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