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2012-08-28 - 9:46 p.m.

So I've arranged something with Aino, the details are as yet unclear. Merely a 'drink or something' got a reasonably rapid response that she didn't think she had plans 'so why not' which at least means she's not avoiding me.

After I say 'Great' etc. - no reply though.

Anyway whether it be for food or just a drink or two. I *must* and WILL ask her out on a date at the end, or *DO* something. I need to either get this finalised or moved to another level, because it's just ridiculous otherwise.

It's very annoying that I am somewhat mono-focussed, however, this doesn't mean that my mind doesn't go elsewhere. Riitta is now single again, there's always a temptation there, but again not enough positive feedback to make me certain. If Aino bombs out then I should at least suggest meeting up more frequently, she's thinking of moving cities which would be crappy regardless, so there's some excuse there.

However, on a much more overwhelming level there's C. She's in HKI soon, and she may well stay here and then I've booked flights to visit her. I can't help but get hopeful whenever we interact, because it's such a good interaction. I know she cares about me, but it's whether she realises that she's missing out on something that could be great even if we had to make it work over longer distance. i.e. I'd start looking for a new job in mainland Europe. It's all in my head, almost definitely and I can't let it stop my plans locally. But I can hope. As i have before, as i probably will again. And most likely I'll get hurt once more if other things don't pan out to distract me.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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