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2012-08-31 - 6:29 p.m.

Seize the day.
Live Life.
Capture the moment.

All those statements designed to motivate and make you push the boundaries. Today I put those into some form of action. Truth be told, whenever I do, it bombs. Pretty hard.

To be honest I expect the same. At least I have the instant pick-me-up of a beer test the next day.

It's not like I randomly grab these women, but it seems if I need to ask, then the answer is always 'You're nice, but...'

Who knows maybe this will be different and the maybe is the only thing that keeps me going.

Still, an answer either way at least gives me my place in the world to build or move on from. Too long this spectre has hung as a possibility that appeals greatly to me. With a definite answer I'll not have the same 'What if' thought pattern again.

Pretty much bricking it already, my nerves about such things are so shit. I know I'll settle after a bit, before the end of the evening where i'll get nervous again. But it MUST happen.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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