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 moon on a stick at DiaryLand.com! ET phone home! Go back in time. Ooooh!

2012-09-16 - 9:57 p.m.

Best fucking 24 hours!

Had a DJ set and I completely kicked it. Add to that a Wolves win and I'd always be fairly happy.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Add to the fact that my dream of 4 years is finally realised. I got to sleep with C! :D The woman I love, with no doubt.

The situation is by no means perfect, but it's better to regret something you have done, than something you haven't done.

She's in France dating a 38 yo married guy who she works with. So it's completely unclear where this leaves us either as friends or anything more. But I no longer have to have that pure desire hanging.

She was very drunk. I on the otherhand had not really drunk anything. However, for the most part she did dictate things. In so much that she was pushing me to follow my gut whilst we talked for an hour or more, somewhat veiled about us, but also about other things too.

Then when i did kiss her, there was some progression followed by some pushing back, a lot of pauses, but i let her control the pace as she's the one in the relationship.

MY god, though, you can't wipe the smile off my face today. Even though this has the potential to mess up a lot of things, i'm nopt sure, she may have also felt similar to me, that it was one of the most comfortable times I have had, with some giggling, a lot of tenderness and also some passion.

I go and see her in a month, so I guess some plan of action will be decided by then. I expect we will try and ignore it. I don't know if she'll be honest with this bloke though.

WOW. :D :D :D

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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