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2012-09-28 - 3:55 p.m.

I feel the need to clarify a little over Riitta. I haven�t re-read what I wrote but it�s probably a
little harsh. She�s a secretary for a building company who is doing further studies to go into
HR. It�s not like she works in Subway or such. However, I do know she has quite a big issue
where maths is concerned having tried to tutor her in it in the past.

Other positives and negatives not discussed for the ladies above are as follows:

Erika � she smokes, which is always a big down side for me. Plus I have no idea about age.

Liina � I know little about really. She didn�t seem to smoke, age is unknown. However, she did spend three years in Derby meaning her English seemed to be of a very high level.

This is all masking the main thing on my mind. I need to at least acknowledge with C that something happened I�m getting very scratchy with it all. However, this is likely to not go
down well with her, I�m sure she�d rather ignore that anything really happened. If I decide to bring it up, then I think she will back away a little (or a lot). I don�t think I need a full analysis now, but maybe before I return from France, when we�re face to face, I would like to tell her
how I feel and that I�d be willing to sacrifice things (work etc.) to give it a chance. I don�t know
how she�d respond to that. Sometimes I get the impression she wants me to be forward, but then when I have done it without full encouragement she�s backed away. Which always leaves me a little confused. She seems so strong willed at times and yet at others she seems
like she doesn�t really know what she wants or where she�s headed.

This whole thing with flirting with married men backs that up for me. She wants to exert power, but always with the possibility of rejection due to things outside her control.

I don't want to hang around with this guy when i've slept with the girl he's seeing regardless of if he's OK with it or otherwise to be honest. Mostly due to my feelings towards C, but also because I could have stopped it from happening. I am not innocent in that fact.

I will send her a message asking if we should talk. I'll wait until she's finished work, of course by that point she might be hanging out with this guy and then i'll get no response until Sat about it all. That certainly wouldn't help my mood.

Worst case scenario would be that she'd tell me not to even come to visit, if we had a big argument. I'd still go to Paris though I think. It would just be a bit strange. It's unlikely as an outcome though.

If she's still seeing this guy, with the indication it's not a big thing that we slept together, then I will start to arrange a drink with Liina. I'm still trying to work out what should happen re. Riitta though.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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