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2012-10-08 - 10:52 p.m.

Almost immediately after the last post the communication diminished. :(

I know it's my fault that I get hurt by it, and the interaction was most likely her way of checking I'm OK.

I just want to know where I stand. If she's interested that's great, but if it was really just a mistake then she could say and suggest we move on. Again.

Just over a week until I go to visit, part of me is getting nervous, part of me can't wait.

In other news I saw Camilla again at the pub quiz. Got on very well again and the next day i had a message along the lines of 'You're really great fun, we should exchange numbers so we can hang out more (in a purely platonic fashion)' Which is good and bad, obviously.

She has a bloke so it's not like I would have pushed anything particularly. So it's good to know exactly where things stand straight from the off. We then hung out on Sunday and we do get on superbly, she's exactly the sort of person i would fall for. So, yeah definitely good that i know to keep myself in check.

I mentioned it to C, and for the second time since her visit she ignored a comment about potential relationship issues. The other being about Erika. That makes me wonder. In this case she replied, but made no reference to the message I'd sent. Confusion.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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