powered by your momma in a hamster wheel!

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 moon on a stick at DiaryLand.com! ET phone home! Go back in time. Ooooh!

2012-11-02 - 9:26 p.m.

So she replied 24hrs later - claiming to have crappy internet (this I'm not so convinced by) Also saying sorry though. Which is not a common word for her.

Additionally she said that she didn't think that meeting face to face would offer a quick fix. That is not what it was about, though.
Then she added that her gran had got some bad test results so she wanted to focus on her.

I said fair enough and wished her Happy Birthday for the following day and have left it since.

In the time between all of that I have decided that I will write a letter. Describing why I have issues, and why they may not be solvable. Also i will state why a F2F meeting would have been preferable.

It's going to be a tough letter to write and keep a decent flow, but I have to try.

She may message me whilst she's away, who knows. I'm not sure if I've written the letter whether I will respond.

I saw Camilla that eve, she has good timing with wanting to meet up and offering an ear. I'm very glad to have her around right now as I'm not sure what I'd have done without the release.

I went to see D&D the following evening, I wasn't really sure if I should tell them or not, and just left it that I was not in a great place. Then later in the eve they asked if I'd heard from C. So i filled them in. Deb congratulated me on getting further than I have before as well as commenting that it sounded quite typical of C. David was just a bit lost for words at it all. Deb also asked if they wanted me to enquire further, but I said no.

Tonight I should be chatting to Cotter, that'll be nice to catch up.

How do you deal with a girl that has abandonment, control and commitment issues? More to the point - why would you possibly fall for one so completely?!?

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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