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2012-11-18 - 4:54 p.m.

So the self exile seems at an end.- In so much that she's been on WA and posted on Hanne's status on FB.

She's yet to update things on her's yet.
It's crap that I get this stalkery, but when someone just shuts you out, you take what you can get.

It's clear we won't have anything romantic now, but what about the friendship?

I'm trying to be patient, but if I have to write in here every day, how much is that really being patient?

Cotter has finally responded. To be honest, I'm not sure I have the energy to deal with that shit. I'm having enough issues with one friend failing to live up to reasonable expectations. I don't figure I need another one right now.

I was going to wait until she posts on FB or until next weekend. Whichever takes longer I guess, but it's really killing me.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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