powered by your momma in a hamster wheel!

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2012-11-20 - 10:35 p.m.

So I came home today, to find I have a package that couldn't be delivered. Flip side is that it says it's from GB.

Whilst this could technically be from C. I think it's probably either my watch or something from the mother. It didn't stop me getting worked up though.

I have to start planning what I will do. There's pretty much no chance C is going to contact me now. Monday was realistically my last hope.

She has just been active on FB and WA, so they have been breached.

I basically have three choices.

Close the book now - I don't think I can, not yet. I need to give her one more chance. Does she deserve it? Not on recent performances.

Go all guns blazing - This would certainly make me feel better. Highly unlikely to be constructive. But it could force a response just by pissing her off. I have plenty of cause to be angry and disappointed with her, it would be nice to let rip. Maybe I need to do that in the calm of this journal though.

A gentle approach to see if she will respond - Even this is open to discussion exactly as to how to approach it.

If she doesn't respond, then one shot across the bows as a parting gift and slowly but surely I will cut it out of me.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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