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2012-12-12 - 10:15 p.m.

I keep wanting to contact her, but I guess this is me just trying not to let go.

At the moment there is the benefit that she's being quiet on the net. So at least i don't have too many reminders.

Someone linked an article about women playing hard to get being an incentive to rape. Now whilst I think the link is a little heavy handed it is quite possibly affecting me currently.

So often are we told that women will play hard to get, that you must convince them to date you, that they must feel like you've earnt them, then it can be a little hard to step away and accept a rejection.

I'm not saying I think C is playing games, but given that she changes her mind regularly then it becomes difficult to not hope that she wants me to work hard for her.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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