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2013-01-13 - 10:43 p.m.

I'm not doing very well.

Struggling to do much other than live in a pit of my filth and go to work.

I need to try and get a grip.

Maybe I do need to pursue someone. Just to focus on something.

I'm reading The Dice Man again. It's always a dangerous plan, it's really tempting during the darker times to just give up on making decisions and follow the whim of a die.

I could do it regarding my current situation.

1. Aino
2. Riitta
3. Olga
4. Mirva
5. Kiiri
6. Girl at the Supermarket

Except I'd not be happy with any of those rolls. Out of those Aino is the most all round appealing one. But that's kind of gone nowhere over the years.
Olga is just trouble that I can't shake.
Riitta still fails to ever suggest we do anything off her own back.
Kiiri appeals greatly in her crazy way, but has no real target in life. I wonder if my main interest is based on the fact that she's very flirty.
Mirva i know very little about but she seems cool in a geeky way. I just have little contact with her.

The girl at the supermarket is cute and she definitely recognises me. She surprised me and said 'Moi' today. I hadn't noticed her and I was in a world of my own, I think I came across quite dismissive because of this. :s

I should have said a little more, but was rather caught off guard.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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