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2013-02-10 - 8:34 p.m.

So the evening went fairly well.

Food was nice, had a good laugh.

Typically from body language you can tell Aino is more interested in Joe. Typical really the womanising man who gets up whilst she's telling a story and walks away, why wouldn't a woman be interested in that?

Heaven forbid the guy who organises things, cooks and pays attention to you becomes the object of desire.

Joe just has this way of holding himself, this unabashed confidence, which attracts ladies.

I'm not giving in though, I'm pretty certain he's aware I'm keen on her and did suggest that she stuck around when the two guys were leaving, alas she didn't :(

The winter swimming hasn't progressed, it slipped her mind. Maybe in a couple of weeks.

I should text her about times for The Hobbit. As always I'm concerned about contacting her too often, because we all know that such an approach normally drives women away.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

Be a nosey bugger if ya want! read other people's minds for free! recommend my diary to a friend! Get
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