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2013-07-25 - 9:05 p.m.

So I've met someone through the online dating and she's great.

I think I'm going to fuck it up. She wants me to be more forward and vocal in the bedroom, but then occasionally shows signs of being timid herself, so my nature is then to hold back a little.

She also wants me to ask her more questions. Basically she's hit two of my weakest points and doesn't focus on the things that I do actually do.

I can tell she likes me, but she holds back a little due to these things. She's away for a bit now and I will miss her.

It's unclear whether we are classed as BF/GF, she seems to hold that status as something special. At least I know we are exclusive as she wanted to check it. For me it was already clear...

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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