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2013-12-09 - 10:07 p.m.

So I made myself single again. Kinda.

Well I think it's something that's been coming as she's been unhappy and the pressure she puts on me, doesn't help my mood.

She tried to change my mind but I think I'm solid on this, although if things did actually work better than we wouldn't be in this situation.

It was rocked somewhat by happening to see C as we were about to enter a bar. She's not even living here and yet, randomly I can choose a bar and there she is. That messed me for a day or two. Obv. the lass wanted to know about it. I had up to that point avoided mentioning C in great context.

I think she somewhat blames C for this situation and to an extent I do too. I'm more wary and closed again. This girl shows signs that she could hurt on something only slightly stronger than a whim, which does not help me settle.

On top of that Aino is, in theory, single and happened to mention that she's happy again, following being very unhappy when they split. When she mentioned it, it almost felt like a hint. Then when we parted I accidently dodged a hug. Bah! She was off on holiday, so it would have been a nice signoff. Now she's back, she remains in my thoughts and so I have to try and work out if it's a possibility. Of course she is looking to move away, but that shouldn't be until March.

I hope this will pan out well.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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