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2015-10-28 - 10:34 p.m.

Progression, why would you want that?

So the undercut lady from dancing came for two weeks and has never been seen since :( typical.

Although I have managed to have slightly more in depth conversations with the meek one Mari(e) and the classic one Johanna, although she was on holiday this week. It must be said when dancing with her there did seem to be a bit of a spark. That was interesting. Still there's the issue of how to actually take it somewhere.

My coworker was going to invite me for food with LoI, I'm helping people move that day. However, she did comment that I should have made a move on LoI when they were single. I felt that was amusing, given that I was headed that way and then her ex popped back in. I guess I just misread it all. I don't know. We went climbing together a few weeks back, her suggestion. Why do I always feel like the boyfriend substitute? I enjoyed it and did suggest doing it this week, instead she said we should meet but do something else instead. I've suggested some art exhibitions...

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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