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2006-08-24 - 2:46 p.m.

Hmmm Single again.

A few people who hold an interest.

Susie, - ex of friend/friend of ex/possibly just misreading x

Aly, - ex of friend/friend of ex/probably not interested x

Lou, - 20y/o probably vacant x

2 girls at Unit (zowie, cayla) both 17 x

Jo, - possibly a bit old/probably not interested x

Michelle - possibly a bit old/probably not interested x

Mya - probably wouldn't be interested in me. x

Ha, Ha. Probably a good job I'm not really on the look out for the foreseeable.
Situations might change, may put in a little ground work re. Lou and Mya though, to properly judge.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

Be a nosey bugger if ya want! read other people's minds for free! recommend my diary to a friend! Get
 your own moon on a stick at DiaryLand.com!