powered by your momma in a hamster wheel!

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2009-01-09 - 10:38 p.m.

you're playing at not getting a hard on yet.

Confusion largely reigns.

Not surprising given Monday night's events.

Started off with the assumption she's not single, but the hope she was, encouraged by the fact she turned out to be so. Decided it wasn't happening due to drinking, and then even more so when she starts approaching the lass. Only to have it return when C discusses that she was told she shouldn't talk to me (essentially competition). Then down because she thinks about witing for the barman, up when she leaves and grabs my hand (even though i intend not to come through) Then down when she goes back again.

But all in all I decided to just continue as a friend who had an enjoyable night as that would be fine by me as long as everytime she's single she doesn't try and claim me.

But then there are other factors to consider that have been added this week. Originally it appeared that she wouldn't be coming to the housewarming as she'd arranged to watch football with Anu, but has now asked if she can bring her along.

Then the best laid plans of mice and men - the proposed football match. It's definitely going to be shown, but absolutely typical that it coincides with an arsenal match. Me thinking this would give an ample opportunity for her to back out. but on speaking to her she's said she'll think about it, i'm not sure if this relates to what happens Saturday...

But yeah, so good behaviour saturday, mild interest, but happily enjoying the company of all my friends. Not following her around. Equally not ignoring her.

Should be an interesting one. Heli, Riitta, Laura and C all in attendance. And Ski training the next day.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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