powered by your momma in a hamster wheel!

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2009-01-24 - 1:41 p.m.

So we spent a bit of saturday together, as discussed in the previous entry.

I did decide to step up (a little) fortunately an interesting beer popped up so I invited her along to try it. Just for a quick one on Wed. Aside from being a retard and locking myself out it went well.

One turned into a couple, which then turned into heading on to catch up with some others at the welcome. Unfortunately her ex was there and he scarpered pretty quick. Which felt a bit wierd but can't be helped.

Between toilet trips her hair was loose (when it definitely looks best) by the next time she returned it was tied up again. I don't know what that was about, women and their plans eh.

After one I planned to leave, but on returning from the loo there was another beer waiting for me.

So a bit of a late one. As I get to know her more there are continual good points and the occasional odd one. Finding that she is highly offended by the word cock being one of them. Fortunately I managed to avoid finding out in the most obvious way!
We both expressed great interest in going to India sometime, I did start to move to suggesting she came to Copenhagen at the same time as me, but she said she's not so keen on the city.

The following day was the film night. A good film that led her to cry. This left me wanting to do something, I stroked her arm once and then at the end gave her a hug, which are all steps along the way as I see it.

And yesterday, well I wanted to see her, obviously I did nothing about this, I even saw a couple of options to contact her, but resisted.

And tonight we go for more beer in her neck of the woods. Once again I wonder how the night will pan out and if an offer comes how will I respond? With the selection of people there (D&D, Stefan, Scott - specifically him) it might be a bit weird if I turn around and say I'm not heading back to HKI. Ah well fuck it one suppose, those who wouldn't be pleased can just keep quiet.

Well we'll see. Maybe she's just happy being friends, I just sort of need to know before it's too late.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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