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2009-01-27 - 10:26 p.m.

Come On!

Except it doesn't really feel that great.

So the party was quick and we moved on to the pub, the journey seemed to go as well as always, conversation and a bit of banter. We were the first ones to the pub but obviously much of that was taken with queueing for the first beer.

Generally the evening went OK, the conversation turned to who you would go for celebrity wise. It was a little odd but acceptable enough. Then David headed home.

This is where things got a little more confusing. I'm not sure if it was from alcohol in me or in others. I went to the loo and on my return I'm sure C asked me if Stefan was the kind of person who'd cheat on his wife. I obviously said no, but then she kept pushing the idea. Eventually I just got annoyed and brought it up. I'm not convinced it really got cleared up.

At some point during this we started to look into getting home. Turned out S couldn't get back without a number of bus changes, so I said he could stay in the spare room.

He went off to the loo so I decided to ask C what on earth was going on. things progressed from there and she suggested that we could spend the night and do nothing tomorrow. I apologised and said S was staying over, she pushed more. So I said I'd check with S whether it was definitely the case. It was so I chose to stand by my man.

I asked for a kiss, didn't originally get it, but a little later (maybe she was getting desperate) she did. It was good she seems a great kisser. But then to try and convince me more she grabbed my hand and put it between her legs! o_0

Then we caught a cab home via hers (got a kiss goodnight) Laura's (who also turned up at the pub) and then on to mine.

So where's the problem?

Once again C had suggested she'd come video the skiing. Once again she pulls out. Fair enough. (1 text, plus the response, she had asked a question). Her FB status was 'uh' I commented on that. Then later in the day we'd also suggested she should come over for food so I texted to see if she was feeling better and if that was still happening. And?

No response.


Now obviously whether I'm cooking for one or two makes quite an impact for when I want to go shopping. So I spent a few hours waiting for a response.

She's said that I have to not be 'needy' If two texts regarding things that are already potential arrangements passes this point then I'm completely screwed.

So I'm sitting in my box until the film on Thursday, not expecting to be contacted, not completely sure how the interaction will be.

Sometimes I get the impression she's only interested when she's drunk and Horny, but then she has done things outside of that pattern, just not very often.

And if she is, then I don't know. I'm not even 100 % she would be faithful, the way she gets when she's drunk almost seems like a completely different person.

Additional moments from the conversation was that she said that in the long run I'd have to lose the hair. Which is kind of ridiculous to suggest if I'm meant to be making so many compromises over my behaviour, then she needs to show she's worth it before anything like that would happen.

I think on Thursday I'll see how things lie and suggest we do something at the w/e, something potentially without alcohol, which she'll probably say no to, or she'll say yes ad then bail out at the last. (it is end of the month, I suppose I should take that into account)

We'll see.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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