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2009-01-31 - 5:08 p.m.

Everytime I come on here I make the statement that things should be clearer by x, y and z.

Almost without fail it never is.

So unsurprisingly there's no real details here.

I stayed in my box for the week waiting until Thursday when we'd see each other at the film.

I was hoping to get to talk to her there but the opportunity didn't really arise, no biggy. I made one comment that seemed to tickle her, regarding dancing. So that was pleasing.

So I sent a text yesterday to see if she wanted to do something over the weekend. She'd said that she was potentially working today (end of month). She did say that she was thinking about watching the football and that she thinks she put us in a situation where we should talk.


In fact this is all in all a good thing, almost definitely not a positive thing though. But at least I get to find out what she's thinking.

At the end of the day it'll probably come down to what she wants, she's the stronger person in that respect. But I can't help thinking that she does keep coming back knocking on my door maybe I can convince her to at least give it a go. What's to lose?

In fact I only see a few ways out:

Go home, fuck like rabbits, get it out the way and remain friends. (probably not good for me)

Give the relationship a go with both compromising. (my favoured option)

Decide just to be friends, but she has to respect me and when drunk should not try it on again. (probably the most likely, not bad)

Just both walk away. (hopefully the least likely and definitely the least desirable)

Maybe by the next entry it'll be clearer!

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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