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2012-10-01 - 8:21 p.m.

So it went fine. In fact she was on her own and quickly checked that i was OK. Asking if I was worried.

She's definitely of the opinion things will be OK. OK in which way I'm not sure.

We then went on to have a nice chat about other things.

Then she has interacted with me every day since then. :D As in she has started random conversations. This is great by my logic. By her's it may be that she wants to remind me of the quality of our interactions, but that's why she has always been so special to me and I hope I'm not heading for a big fall.

I could seriously get hurt here either way, she easily has that potential. I know she's cheated on two guys. It should be a warning not to get involved as there's no proof it won't just happen to me if we did have a relationship. It would, quite possibly, tear me apart.

There in lies some issue. I can't be stand offish and aloof with her, I will do most of what she would demand, when would I push back, because I think she'd want me to now and again.

Oh and one positive I forgot to note is that she has quit smoking a while back :)

Regarding Liina, I invited her out for a drink on Thursday, she's busy and then the following week, but suggested trying in 2 weeks. That is still before I go to Paris, so things may still be unclear, but at least with that time scale I can afford to just play an interested party without moving it forward or back.

Maybe things are making my life easy for once!

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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