powered by your momma in a hamster wheel!

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2012-11-11 - 8:14 p.m.

I'm struggling to believe she'd do this.

Really, I know she has issues which she runs away from, but if I'm meant to be her 2nd best friend, then surely you try and meet them somewhere, you don't abandon them when they say they need help.

There are a few options:
The letter isn't there yet. Sent Tuesday eve, maybe it wouldn't be delivered Friday. I think it would be though.

She's writing a response, that could take a week for me to receive it. This is possible, I guess. Would you flag that something has been received first though?

The letter is lost. Highly improbable.

She's burying her head in the sand.
She could be such a bitch. But really?

She's done nothing on FB since her return. That could be indicative, but hard to call.

She's active on What's App this eve, but has been off it for 24 hrs previous. So again, is that an indepth conversation with Hanne, or just something throw away?

I need her to give me something, it's killing me right now.

At this rate I need to work out what to do with the book. Hand deliver to say goodbye? She could easily not be around. But again it would be the final show that I did all i could. Maybe I won't need to make that decision. I think I will though.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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