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2015-08-26 - 9:43 p.m.

Pretty low on motivation.

It's fair to say I put a decent amount of hope into LoI, not that she owed me anything, but I would have liked at least a chance. Granted, she can't have been that interested in something new if she rolls back to something she knows. It doesn't feel like an answer though. The way she behaves sometimes is strange, like waiting for me before walking into work, saying goodbye when she leaves the bus. Maybe she's just super duper nice, and in this country, that'd stand out a mile.

Then my mind is probably creating scenarios, for example i posted last night about dating profiles, a very rare occurrence in my public sphere. This morning she was a lot colder than normal, I swear I wasn't imagining it though.

Online dating. Ugh. Back here again. Find someone you like, have 90% match criteria. Write a message inline with their profile, giving info, asking questions. Aaaaaaannnnnndddddd Silence. Of course, because I sent the message. Therefore she's not interested, nor will she even entertain the possibility that we could interact well, otherwise she would message me. And I'd give her a chance, regardless of matches and interests, but because it's polite.

Really tempted to ask for feedback, because it is quite frankly ridiculous how little response I get to my messages. I must do something wrong, but I never get to find out!

I even have one girl who's keen on me. She messaged when i wasn't really looking, I gave her a chance, we interact well, but I'm not really feeling it. We spoke about it and we'll see if it goes somewhere but friends is the most likely destination.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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