powered by your momma in a hamster wheel!

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2001-09-06 - 1:18 a.m.

Back so soon?


I know what my greatest problem with women is. It's the fact of not knowing whther they are actually interested or not.

If you're female and reading this. Do me a favour. Next time you're at a club or pub or whatever and you see a cute guy and you think he's interested just go up and talk to him. He may be the shy retiring type (even if he don't look it) that doesn't recognidse the signs. This is all I ask, you don't need to jump him. He should be able to do the rest on his own. It's the whole approaching women that may well be the problem. Whilst I'm not sure it's mine, mine is certainly linked to this.

My friends are about 50:50 male/female so I can get on with women, I just assume they wouldn't be intersted in me and therefore do not make the move and therefore I and (dare I say it) they miss out.

This makes it even more annoying as it isn't the lack of knowledge that is the problem, I am fully aware that this is my problem but I can't do jack about it. All it is, is a self-confidence problem, I read all these things about building self-confidence. They all say find something that you are good at and focus on them. I am good at stuff and I know this, I know i'm intellegent but how the f*ck is this meant to help me in terms of women, just knowing it doesn't build up my self confidence in this area. It's just plain dumb.

Any way that is the way life is.

Have you ever really wanted to find a pic of a friend in a compromising position on the net?

I know I have.

Music: Nirvana - Breed

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

Be a nosey bugger if ya want! read other people's minds for free! recommend my diary to a friend! Get
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