powered by your momma in a hamster wheel!

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2001-09-20 - 11:30 p.m.

Been up to Soton for the day. Getting checked by orthodentist. Don't need the braces replaced, Woohoo! :)

But makes me homesick. Went shopping for food. Ben & Jerry's on offer in Safeway. mmmm Ice cream *pine* I've wanted ice cream for a while now. But the parents would never buy it for me so have to hope it's on offer still next week. *fingers Crossed*

Ooh found someones diary to read. Well not quite she found mine first, then I read her's and twas good. killertofu's the name. She writes like people should in diaries. You know, the way that I miserably fail at!:) She's done a questionairre jobby - I should get round to doing one of those as the info on front page is sparse to say the least.

Been reading a new book "253" by Geoff Ryman. really cool well worth looking at. 253 people on a tube, a page on each and 253 words per person. Really cleverly done.

I want a Stortrooper (www.stortroopers.com) but have to wait until netgoth update, but the guy who runs it is too busy having a life. Arsehole!

'nother thing to do with books. Last book i read "waiting for Godalming" - Robert Rankin (V.Good) mentions that watching women pronounce the word "plinth" very slowly is one of the sexiest things in hte world. Will check this out when back in Soton.

Need to get round to buying Emma a bday pressie. Hmmm probably be lame and get fudge from Devon. What was that? Yes, I know I'm crap.

Music - Randomly recording stuff.

"But wait there's must be more, what about this pop bubblegum ditty I read about?" I hear you cry. Well yes indeed once in a blue moon there's something that despite being undeniably poppy is just to funky to leave alone. In this case Kylie minogue's "Can't get you outta my head"! Which ironically will not leave my brain but I still think its fairly cool, so nyah!

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

Be a nosey bugger if ya want! read other people's minds for free! recommend my diary to a friend! Get
 your own moon on a stick at DiaryLand.com!