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2006-09-06 - 2:02 p.m.

I'm so bored at work.

I know if I want to get this all finished by Christmas I need to buckle down. But that doesn't seem to make a bit of difference. To try and be motivated and enthusiastic about something that has continuely kicked you in the balls for the past 2-3 years is surprisingly difficult!

It doesn't help when you ask for a bit of help from associated people and it regularly takes them over a week to get back to you, leaving you pretty much floating until you get pushed in the appropriate direction.

I think this journal will largely consist of love life thoughts as that's what i feel uncomfortable putting on LJ, but also feel i need to get out of my head.

I had a dream about the recent ex. No idea where it came from. Told her, which to be honest, I probably shouldn't have, It does no good, but was amusing.

Other developments - Dealt with glasses stuff, Got reminded how keen I am on Michelle. So, after over a year of being rather keen, but otherwise occupied, whether mentally or actually attached, I shall make a move. My new glasses get delevered in a couple of weeks and it's the last reason for me to go into the opticians for about a year so I may as well bite the bullet. I expect to get a no, but who knows, it's worth a shot and good practice for putting myself in awkward positions.

Thinking I should start dropping my con tact with Susie. we talk pretty much every day and see each other on average every two or three. ANd like I said earlier, mentally she'd be perfect for me. Such a nice girl with an urge to do stuff and things, but the politics are hideous and I'm constantly reminded that it could just be her nature to be so sweet. So I get confused, and as I'm aiming one direction I can't afford to be distracted.

Someone out of the scene is a much more exciting prospect, and it would have the exciting get to know each other part. That's the theory.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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