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2006-09-21 - 10:55 p.m.


I need to back off Susie, really hard in fact. i've been very flirty and a bit ott on messenger and may have offended her, so I'm just not going to text her (first) and really minimise the time i'm on messenger and then not start conversations.

Even if she was interested i think it needs to be left until Christmas, to allow dust settling.

But I phrased something last night taht was a little dodgy and not entirely by accident. She passed it onto Peter who then spent the first hour or so this morning going on about it. and telling people 3 seperate times. I mean for fucks sake. That's it, my personal life is no longer separate from my work. Brilliant! just what i've always wanted! Isn't it about time he brought people into my life as opposed to me bringing him into my friendship group so that infact the only women he really knows are through me or work.

It is of course my fault, i should have kept the distance as standard. It's something to learn in future. i just popped onto MSN having insinuated this situation on LJ to have a comment from Susie wondering what's up and saying I should be on MSN! Balls.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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