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 moon on a stick at DiaryLand.com! ET phone home! Go back in time. Ooooh!

2007-05-20 - 11:10 p.m.

Ok so if I'm back, that surely means woman trouble right?

Yu huh.

Sort of.

Well definitely really.

I ended up back with Shez. Another drunken night was one too many, and deep down I know I shouldn't have. It was never going to work and was largely something to keep me occupied. Which is not good.

But that was end of January and now it's May and I finished it yesterday. I'm moving away soon, and it's silly to extend it further.

That in theory should also mean it's silly to follow anything.

But then there's Ashley. And she is Beautiful. I don't use that word lightly but she really is, her eyes are incredible. Not hot, not pretty, beautiful is undoubtedly the word. She seems intelligent she does Physics and Astrology. Aside for me moving away she seems perfect. oh wait no, she's also 18. Ouch. having been burnt by youth in the form of Shez's immaturity, this would be a bad idea almost definitely.

But she is the sort of person I really wish I'd met pre- or post- Abi. but put her same age and me those years younger!
Or at least i think she is.

To be honest i don't know her that well, only a chat at a pubcrawl (where I was single and she wasn't), one in the union shop (where she was single and i wasn't), where upon we exchanged numbers as friends and a few texts.

But she has sort of swept me up. I think she is interested too. 'x's on texts have changed between one and three when i've not even added one. She has a contract phone so her texting is erratic, which makes it hard to predict, but nudged her towards my facebook and within an hour she'd added me.

A facebook, I might add, which I waited to invite her to until my status was listed as single. God i'm a bastard sometimes.

She's in exam period currently, but I may suggest a drink after them to "catch up" even though it's more get to know.

What am I doing, she may be interested but I figure she really wouldn't be if she knew I was leaving. Nor should I be due to that and age and for Shez's sake.

But I'm a weak man, what can i say.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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