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2007-06-12 - 1:49 p.m.

I hate the fact I can get so caught up in one person they can wreck my day simply by their absence.

Just as I'm about to write her off she always comes thorugh and makes me think. Ashley had made no contact or wished me luck regarding Finland so figured she couldn't be interested regardless. I was pretty disheartened and made a post on FB eluding to various things getting me down. I wake this morning to find a text from her, sent before she could have seen the post, asking how it all went!

Part of me just wishes I knew if she would be keen if the situation was different. However I'm sure that wouldn't help, certainly if she was. Maybe if she wasn't I could start to pack it all away. But for a day would be a bit gutted.

unlikely I'll be heading Finland way anyways as the interview didn't go so well, I suppose that gives the slightest potential back to something long distance, but couldn't even claim that'd be a good idea!

I'm tempted to jokingly suggest I help her bleach her hair when she's down in Poole, with the slightest hope she'd invite me! stupid idea I know.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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