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2007-04-25 - 3:43 p.m.

Doctor, Doctor! Rock!

So I��ve become a Dr essentially. I bombed horribly in the viva and should have failed, but didn��t. Have some corrections to do and then that part of my life is done.

Whilst that has indeed been a bother there are more things to discuss of course.

I went up Thrsday and whilst was very nervous to be seeing Waish for the first time as G/f it was really lovely. We went to hers and pottered around, plenty of cuddling. However I did note that at certain points she drew back a little on kissing and held my hand when it travelled too far. We ate and looked on the internet things to do with China etc. Then watched Little Otik. Once that was done I went off to the bathroom and came back to find her still sat in her seat but looking up at me. Wasn��t sure how to read that and so stood up and hugged and kissed and I let my hands move a bit further, but then she kept hugging me but turned her head into my shoulder. So I stopped and asked her what was up, she denied a couple of times but on pressing said she was a bit nervous. SO I said we were fine to take it slowly. She went grabbed a drink and then led me by the hand to the bed. So we progressed along a similar line but again felt a lot of reservation. On questioning she pointed out that I was only the 3rd person she��d kissed (obvious on reflection) and that I��d already got further than Patrick. Bang. I felt so bad. It hadn��t clicked at all, I felt like I had essentially pushed her into this situation, given that I asked if I��d stay there. So reiterated that we didn��t have to do anything at all. And what ever she felt was 100 % fine. She said she did want to, and that I was very special to her ^-^. So I took everything very slowly and checked regularly that she was fine with the progression. And eventually we got to the holy grail as it were. The sex was pretty awful, I��d a permanent semi by then and we were both quite tentative. However it��s nothing I wouldn��t try again! And I thanked her afterward and do feel very special being only number 2. My god her body is stunning and she was thoroughly fine in walking around nude or in skimpies. :D

So Friday came around and the morning was spent with Waish before the viva. After the viva went for a meal where I didn��t get to see her really. And on to Unit to DJ. Everything was starting to settle and I finally got a hug from her, which I��d needed since leaving the viva. A wandering hand had to be held but that was understandable. Then Patrick turned up. And as such, in order to save difficulties I was to remain contact free. To top it off a rather drunk Claire also turned up so I had her hugging me at quite persistent intervals but I couldn��t move to Waish due to Patrick. It all bothered me somewhat so I moaned at Wayne as he had no connection. Once Unit was done we got a lift back to Waish��s with Ian along with Jen & Shez. I asked if W was cool about us despite the stress and she assured me she was, just publicly was a bit of a pain. We both showered and went to bed. This time I was entirely leaving it to her. And from the shower she ended up putting her bed clothes on, we ended up cuddling and talking until gone 5.30/6 and then went to sleep. I hoped for something then and also in the morning but unfortunately nothing was forth coming. Potentially that��s the last time we��ll share a bed ��.

Saturday I stayed at Charlie��s as W was moving out. I saw her during the eve and had hoped to spend some time Sunday morning but alas only managed the briefest of moments. �� It all left me pretty down combined with the viva.
All in all I adore her as I knew I would. Even though it��s extremely early days. The physical side raises some concern if anything long running would be considered. But she has much to interest me and her liking of World music/cinema definitely appeals. So I��m largely hooked. :s Made all the more difficult as I got confirmation of Finland offering me the job. No money has been discussed so that could still be a stumbling block. I talked to W and asked her to think about things and how she sees the limits of the relationship. Ie. If I was in Stoke would there be one, or are there limits etc.

But for the 2nd time in a week I��m not as happy as people might expect me to be.

I��ll see her Thursday before I fly away to Utrecht to share a double bed with Claire :S

Other snippets of interest is that Ian and Shez have hooked up which I��m really happy about I wish them all the best.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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