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2008-05-12 - 8:51 p.m.

Hi Dave.

Here's some humble pie.

OK. So I was wrong, she has posted on my last two notes, one of which was wishing me good luck for the run.

Not only this but I got texts from 2 other people enquiring how it went. So maybe it's not all bad.

But i'm still none the wiser how we stand. She says she's looking forward to me DJing. So that's good. Clearly the idea of spending a few hours with me isn't completely repulsive. Captain Subtext says "Maybe that's what she's looking forward to!" One can hope.

I do wonder if anyone was to read these whether their opinion might be to back away slowly however. I must come across as a complete Psychosexual. But I'm just honest with a paranoid, lack of self confidence, lack of understanding women (especially when successful) thing going on. Simple really.

So having had some responses from her i decided to text her. And now i feel like a twat again, I really need to calm the fuck down and just let life be.

i'll see her on thursday for the film this week. Combine seeing a film I want to see and a lady I want to see. Bargain. Shame there'll be others present :p EDIT: I should just try and be myself more. That's what i was the first couple of times we met, often since then specifically over texts I've tried to be this amazing guy with large amounts of things to say/a weirdo (that's without trying)

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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