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2008-05-17 - 9:52 p.m.

Well I was right, she bailed.

She did have work though. I'm not so self-centered to think an elaborate 2 day stroyline would be just to get out of it. I wonder if she'd have come otherwise mind you.

When she let me know I did say I was looking forward to seeing her and hoped we could catch up soon. I got no response.

So this morning I texted. I brought a crisis point. I've done it before. It's one of my deliberate ploys when I feel like I don't know what's going on. Generally they work, but also not in my favour!

I asked whether or not I was part and parcel of the step away from JD.

she replied that it was part of a number of situations that she couldn't cope so much with. and that she was a bit retarded with dealing with her life (no wonder we get on) Which seems a nicer way to put it then she could have so who knows.

I replied saying I definitely wanted to get to know her better but was in no rush (I hope that's taken in the sense it's meant). I didn't get a response but didn't really expect one.

So i'm not so much any wiser about my situation but at least I have a plan currently.

I've just got to sit tight and wait. Give her space and see what happens.

makes BDay plans a bit loose now.

Having been out last night tbh, I'm quite happy not rushing into anything although there were a number of attractive lasses around, i wouldn't have been interested. The worrying thing is I'm not sure why. Is it due needing space, or due to C. :s

If it hadn't been for this morning this entry would have been far more sweary!

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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