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2010-07-06 - 7:15 p.m.

I don't fucking get women at all.


When I figured things with Veera were falling off the tracks she rings and we go out for drinks and yet again have a really good time. Then once again it takes her an age to get back to me about any possible time that we could hang out in the future.

Decided to ring yesterday and she had someone around at her new place so couldn't talk. She said she'd ring today, which she duly did. Apparently she's busy all week, which is maybe possible. But Thursday she's buying paint, which hardly sounds like a world stopper.

I just get the impression she's not interested, but in which case why doesn't she just say so? Oh yeah, because she's a woman and that probably goes against some written code or other.

SO I guess I shall just have to sit in my box until next week and see if she contacts me.

But i think this is a record where I manage to turn a girl from liking me properly to just wanting to be friends in just 4 meetings or such. Incredible. Fucking cyclical life.

Life is not made much easier by it seeming like Riitta is keen, but then for me I need to sort out the V thing. And then whenevr we're out Riitta seems to end up with someone else anyhow. :(

Fucking pile of shit.

Hit 88mph Marty - The Future????

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